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Veterans Day

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Today is Veterans Day and a three day weekend for me. Saturday the weather was rainy and I spent most of the day reading or doing stuff on the computer. Today at church we had a special Veterans Day service. Two of our members gave very moving speeches about their thoughts on what Veterans Day is all about. After services we had a congregational meeting is which office members were voted on. I was made a deacon of our church which is a great honor for me. I have been pretty active in church lately and as a newly appointed deacon I expect to be even more involved. Teresa and I did a little yard work, getting things ready for winter. Tomorrow we are going to be mulching the flower beds and weeding. The weather is still very mild for this time of the year, almost as if Fall has been swallowed up by an extended summer. I get the feeling that we won't get cold weather until December. Maybe there is something to this global warming. One other thing, we bought a new 32" Samsung LCD TV as a Christmas present for both of us. It will replace our old dinosaur of a TV which is long past retirement age.

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