Recently in Family Category

Almost there

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Tomorrow will be my last day as a civil service employee. After a retirement service and luncheon I will be heading home to enjoy the rest of my life as a retired person. Everything is go and I am really excited. There is still a little apprehension about things but that will go away after a month or two and I realize that I can get by on my pension and the other savings I have. My mother had her 89th birthday recently and the entire family gathered at my brother Jeff and his wife Donna's house. It was Mexican night and the food was great and spending time with my family was even better. I hope that being retired will allow me to spend more time with my family and do some of the other things that I have been wanting to do for so long. So many plans, I just hope I will have the time to realize them. 

The New Year Approaches

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Teresa and I are both home with bad colds. What a great way to end 2007. Christmas day at my brother Marc's house was very nice. My son Jason really liked the iTouch that I got him for Christmas. As for me, Dana gave me a gift card to Borders book store and Teresa gave me a nice pair of shoes and a sweater. That is all I really wanted for Christmas. To me Christmas gift giving is for the children. My family decided this year not to get each other anything unless they wanted to. I think that taking the pressure of gift buying out of Christmas allows one to enjoy Christmas more. On another note, my neck and shoulder have been bothering me a lot lately and I need to go to the chiropractor and get my spine aligned or something. Today the Patriots of the NFL will try to go 16-0. If they succeed it will surpass the Dolphins 14-0 regular season record. Naturally I will be rooting for the underdog. Now if Teresa and I can just shake off this cold and enjoy what's left of 2007.

Christmas Eve

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Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, Teresa, Max, and I were waiting for Dana and her boyfriend David to show up to open presents. Tomorrow we will be at my brother Marc and his wife Teri's house for the traditional Tefft family Christmas brunch. I am looking forward to seeing all my family again as Christmas seems to be the only time when we all manage to get together. Oh, I forgot about the traditional Tefft spring picnic at the Norfolk Botanical gardens. Anyway, this is just a short entry to test out my new blog. I am still using MovableType but I had some problems with the mysql database that supports my previous blogs so I had to create a new blog. The two old ones are still available but I was unable to add new entries to them. I am hoping this new one will allow me to post entries. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. And don't forget what Christmas is really about, the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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